How to sign up on outlook? is a web-based suite of web-mail. it has much service like mail tasks and calendering service by microsoft. it was most popular mail service. it was founded in 1996 as Hotmail by Sabeer
Bhatia and Jack Smith in Mountain View, California, and headquartered in Sunnyvale.Requirement for outlook Account?
you need a domain name like
you email address like
you email address password.
How to set up you account on outlook?
firstly open the outlook software.
then go to menu and click on tools.
then click on account after clicking tools.
the click on add account.
after that one window will open.
just like above image showing
after that enter your email address show as the image
create a unique password as you well you think
type your name as you want show on the outlook accout
select pop3 or imap type of account it is use some different use for outlook.
enter your server its get by according to you type like choose pop3 or imap. it is you get from your internet service provider.
as you enter the outgoing server one this field
then click add account. your account has created.
after that you can sign your accout.
you can type your username as you create when make the account
and enter your password the click sign in.
start can easy use outlook accout.
Tag:- outlook, outlook 365,, outlook email. outlook sign in. microsoft outlook. outlook mail. outlook mail. outlook email login. outlook email login. outlook email sign in. outlook email sign in. outlook download. outlook express
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